Haolun Xu | 徐ジョ 浩コウ倫リン

Filmmaker / Content Creator / Photographer


Documentary: Alive! (2017)

Short Narrative: 

Dead End (2022)

This documentary tells about how a man with cerebral palsy living a life with dignity and optimism.

I have known Xiaoguang (the protagonist) for over twenty years. I still remember the touchingness he brought me when I saw him walking stumblingly with pushing his cart to sell the newspaper everyday. Over twenty years have passed, that nostalgia has fertilizing in my heart, and I decided to make a documentary on him.

How can we confront a totalitarian system that is designed to “make us happy”? Are you willing to give up your free will to be “happy”? Fulton is an ordinary young man who has to make this choice.

Heart Sutra’s Peace

A video art work made by Haolun. When he was visiting a Buddhist temple in Windsor, Ontario, he found out a peculiar peace and beauty inside this oriental aesthetic place that is surrounded by North American downtown atmosphere.